Search Results for: galtymore

Galtymore site

Galtymore site Planned completion date for the full works is May 2026. JJ Rhatigan due to hand over to Asda at the end of 2025, but believe they will be at least 3 months fitting out the store following that.

194-196 Cricklewood Broadway (the Galtymore site)

We’ve been wondering what was happening with the empty site behind the bus-stops and the advertising hoardings just down from Beacon Bingo. A planning application was approved by Barnet’s planning committee back in June 2017. We’ve just noticed that permission was finally granted in January 2018. Read more

Bus Stop

Bus Stop Originally outside the Galtymore site, then temporarily moved to outside Tesco and now ever so slightly further north than it was, but now without bus shelter.

Healthy Neighbourhood

The council’s writing to residents about the Healthy Neighbourhood (a Low Traffic Neighbourhood) that will cover the Victorian/Edwardian streets between the Broadway, Oaklands Road and Olive Road. The letter’s also on the council website – click here – along with an area plan and detailed drawings. Reactions to a councillor’s … Read more