Tonight, our application sailed through the committee with support from all sides and no opposition. The green space between Cricklewood Lane and B&Q is now registered as an Asset of Community Value. This doesn’t totally protect the green from future development but it does mean the community would have to be given six months warning and the opportunity to buy the land ourselves. It also sends a useful signal that will remain on record and show up if any council officer contemplates another attempt to sell the land.
It’s taken us years to get this far. Thanks to NorthWestTWO committee member Anne Clarke for persisting and for leading on this application, to all the NorthWestTWO members who contributed to it, to all the residents associations around Cricklewood who added their voices in support, and to all the residents who have used, enjoyed and looked after the green space over the years, proving that it is indeed an Asset of Community Value.

©Thomas Ball 2017. Used with permission.
Click here for our short piece on some of the history of this land. We’ll have to update it now!